понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

aint no mountian high

Last week was...to put it in one word, "BUSY" in caps and ending with many exclaimation marks.

First thing that happened was my girls left for East Coast Trip and I was stuck going to school and everything and entertaining myself with buttloads upon buttloads of homework. Then the internet here decided to crash halfway through the week when, oh lucky stars, the computer tech was on vacation. *sighs*

So most of the week was spent finishing the homework and watching tv with Melissa and Natalie and eating many piles of junk food. No wonder I feel fat today.

On Friday I bought a new cell phone, itapos;s called "Rumor"...it slides to the side so you can type out a text message. Which btw, I got a new plan too, so I have unlimited text and 1500 minutes, which ainapos;t all that bad for the cheapo price I am paying YAY

Also on Friday I went over to Mihoapos;s house for her 21st birthday, and had a pretty good time We played Apples to Apples and watched The Soup, talked about nothing all that important...yeah it was fun ^-^ I also had a Mikes Margaritta drink...which tasted like warm urine. I am sorry, I love Margarittas, but that one was terrible. No no no and no again to the piss water. Bad alcohol, SIT

The next morning, breakfast consisted of eight Hersheyapos;s Kisses (yes I counted), and a handful of Doritos with coffee. Booyah. Four squares indeed.

Lunch consisted of a Lunchables Chicken Dunkers, Mountain Dew, and Honey Flavored Chips that were supposedly from Korea and tasted much like Captain Crunch.

On Saturday afternoon I bought boots...they are squishy and I love them.

I also hung out Saturday night with Melissa and Natalie...we watched The Simpsons movie and Young Frankenstein then played a hilarious game of ping-pong. I totally distracted Melissa with my boobs too. She had said she couldnapos;t stop looking at body parts if they were there, so I just lifted up my shirt and was like, "SEXUAL DISTRACTION" just to win. Oh btw, I had my bra on people...so get your heads out of the gutter. XP
We had already gorged on McDonalds and Panda Express...we were set.

Sunday I just....lounged all day...went shopping for food at Wally World, talked to Melissa, then went home and helped my little sis with her english homework. Woot.

Today I went to school (blarg), realized I have to go to a school council meeting tomorrow (fucking shoot me), and I have my period (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO).

But my girls are back and I was soooo happy to see them I almost cried. I missed my babies *cuddles them* They even bought me postcards and a cute keychain THEY ARE ADORABLE *.*
aint no mountian high, aint no mountian high enogh, aint no mountian high enough, aint no mountian high enough lyric.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

disney playstation games

So, at the moment, I have two RP muses that Iapos;m alternating between.

The first is Yagyuu, right in the middle of a smut thread, and a) horny and b) smug, because he gets to be as evil as he wants to Niou.

The second is Suzaku, post-series, just arrived in the RP, and having run into Lelouch.

Both are equally loud and impatient, both for wildly different reasons. So itapos;s kind of like...... This battle for dominance in my head. WHICH ONE WILL WIN.

...Itapos;s rather amusing, if you think about it.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

columbus ford in meet ohio swap

It took me a long time before i finally fell asleep last night, mostly because of things i have encountered on Multiply before i went to bed. For one thing, Atchongapos;s words kept on replaying in my mind. The way he said he wanted to be financially, emotionally and whatever-ly stable before entering a relationship. I see nothing wrong with that, itapos;s just that i canapos;t help but poke him with a theoretical "what if by the time you become stable, and you look around for her, sheapos;s already in somebody elseapos;s arms?" It just made me realize (again, for the nth time) that I for myself do not believe in waiting. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for something to mature, blossom, bear fruit... Sure it can happen, but what if it does not? Iapos;d gladly gobble up the present moment while strategically planning for the future. Besides, the present moment is the only thing i have.

But I will not be too arrogant to say that i seize every day of my life. No, iapos;m not built in to be in that mode for long periods of time. I just try not to be absent-minded for the most part of the day (hehe), and try not to think too much of the next 10 minutes of my life. Have you tried not thinking about the immediate future? Itapos;s really a bad habit that i am constantly fighting. It is this raging battle inside me that has been going on for years, much like that storm on the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Sometimes i feel as if i donapos;t have enough time to do everything iapos;m expected to do in a single day, and i catch myself thinking of this at 9 in the morning. Clearly itapos;s not healthy to think that way, when your day is just starting. =)

So whenever I remember, i say that mantra to myself: "seize the day". Thereapos;s no better day to do it than today, today is the only treasure that i have... And so on and so forth. Usually i go and text all my friends after this, telling them i want to see them if they want to see me (bleech) or some other corny stuff they know iapos;m prone to say.

Which brings to light the other post which got me thinking last night: Rayneapos;s take on friendships. I donapos;t know why, but I suddenly remembered a scene where Debbey and I were sitting at Kamia steps and we were talking about other people in our circle. I remember telling her that sometimes i want to tell other people not to love me too much, because i might not love them back. I did not say this with disdain, rather, I said it because I was feeling guilty that other people are showering me 100 of themselves whereas, i was only giving a mediocre kind of me. Years later, when we were having our issues (Debbey and I), she used this line aainst me. Awww. The persistence of memory.

But allapos;s well that ends well. I havenapos;t mastered the art of living by faith and not by sight, but i think iapos;m getting there. The friendships i have fought to preserve are still here and are now subject to the test of time. Iapos;m keeping my fingers crossed everyday. =) By the way, i know that Debbey still remembers that line and she may use it against me in the future. Hahaha. Peace tayo debbey =)
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cool hobbys

This one is Jalie 2322. I had high hopes for this one. It got good reviews on patternreview.com and I had made one a while back, before losing weight. I am quite disappointed. The basic lines of this blouse are very nice, exactly what Iapos;m looking for. However, there is something seriously wrong with the armhole/armscye. I can not rotate my arms in this blouse. While the top of the armscye hits the correct point at my shoulder, itapos;s way over onto my bicep further down. Iapos;m not going to waste my time finishing this one. I know Iapos;ll never wear it.

On an up note, I made another version of Simplicity 3263, this time in cotton lycra jersey. Itapos;s warm for the cooler weather and is as comfortable as your typical jeans and tee shirt combo, a bit more put together.

cool hobbys, cool hockey pic, cool hockey pics, cool hockey picture.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

frank ticheli blue shades

This has been the worst month for me so far.

H:� 5apos;8
CW: 113�lbs
HW: 128 lbs
LW:�103 lbs
GW:�98 lbs

I�used to be 103 pounds this summer, I�was always under 105lbs and I�was more happy than I�ever was.�� Now I am getting more depressed and I�now sadly weigh 113lbs.� I am being watched what I�eat but I think I�have proved to my mom that I�do eat, cause I�was, so I�might be able to get away with a fast, but at the very least a major restriction diet.� I want to be 98lbs sometime this month or next.� I find that I�am much more happy when I�weigh less than when I�gain.� I�want a BMI of 14.9 instead of my current 16.7 .

I�need to stay motivated.......Anyone want to join me in the 2468 diet but with a twist.� If your able to you can fast whenever and how long you can but if you canapos;t get away with not eating youapos;ll keep that day on the number your on.�

Day 1:� Fast
Day 2:�� Couldnapos;t fast so ate up to 400 calories
Day 3:�Couldnapos;t fast so ate up to 600 calories
Day 4:�Fast

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

community face suck type

An unexpected major piece of news came to her late at night, she felt a surge of mixed emotions. The news lead her to question God. Was her faith in God futile? Was the accident what God had planned for her cousin? Whatapos;s the meaning of the whole accident in her cousinapos;s life? Was it planned by God? Questioning her faith, she cried herself to sleep, only to realize, sheapos;s living in her nightmares; being the invisible one that could see whatever was happening yet no one saw her. She saw her extended family, some crying, some holding back and some, barely even able to stand still.

Her cousin met with an mishap on his way back home from work. It was around 3am in the morning when he met with an accident; a hit-and-run. "Damn the person" were her first words and response upon knowing that it was a hit-and-run. "Itapos;s such a waste, he had a bright future awaiting him. He was such a nice chap, forsaking his own free time just to spend time with his old grandmother who saw him transform to a man from a boy; who was there for him through his teenage years; there for him all his life." The person who reported the accident was a passer-by. However, it was too late by then. Unconscious, he went into an 8 hour operation. One of his legs was gone. He had a compound fracture, all his 5 fingers were stitched back on. Sadly, his life was still in danger despite being able to pull through the operation. The police came, said that the driver had been arrested, and went. Having been in a coma, he awoke, agitated. For anyone, that was the most normal and usual mood, having to lose a limb and also the decrease of the function ability of your arm.

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department security social uk

��� As much as I like [[or try to at lease]] hearing about connective tissue fibers, from the moment my teacher said ldquo;bend and not breakrdquo;my mind pretty much stopped listening. Instead...the rest of the hour was spent singing various Dashboard Confessional songs. So in the event that I fail my next anatomy test, Dashboard Confessional, I blame you.
��� Well, I learned a valuable lesson today. When a friend tells you that something good is going to happen to you, do yourself a favor and do not think about what it could be. Odds are, you will be wrong and then have to spend the rest of the day all sad that you got your hopes up. I spent the first two hours of school thinking and thinking about what could be going on, and came up from everything between being asked out to having a certain someone actually talk to me. None of which ended up happening. In fact, what did happen didnrsquo;t even cross my mind. Abby seemed to think that being invited to a birthday party qualified as ldquo;something goodrdquo;. I mean, yes itrsquo;s the birthday party of the guy I find amazing, but...I donrsquo;t know something tells me I would have been happier with a hug. Skinship > everything else.
��� �I also decided that Irsquo;m giving up on Ryan. I donrsquo;t care that just sitting around waiting for guys to come talk to me is ultimately going to get me nowhere in life. At lease I donrsquo;t have to throw myself at some guy who for all I know thinks Irsquo;m a weird stalker. And Irsquo;m defiantly not going to keep trying when hersquo;s obviously not giving any effort into this. If he liked me, hersquo;d talk to me. Itrsquo;s that simple. Irsquo;m done trying to pretend that Irsquo;m outgoing.

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