вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.


So Thursday late afternoon I went out did a couple errands and ended up spending the nite at Smeg and Poppyrsquo;s. Was up most of the nite catching up on miscellaneous things that I had not been able to do at home. I think I feel asleep around 4am-ish. Was woken up by Poppy that Smeg and her were going to the ER. And to lock up if I needed to leave before they returned. I nodded and dozed back off. So I woke up around 10, went back to work on other computer stuff. Around 1130 I realized I needed something out of the truck. I went out the door, as I did so I heard the door click behind me, and I realized that I had just locked myself out. So I went and sat and napped in the truck till some one returned. I was awoken by Poppy tapping on my window. Smiled, hopped out and told them what had happened. Inside Poppy said that they were going to JoAnnrsquo;s and groceries and a couple other places and if I wanted to go. I said sure. Off we went. While at Fred Meyerrsquo;s I ran into my friend Scott, whom I hadnrsquo;t seen since April. I had been wondering if he was okay. Asked him if he wanted to come along out the help at the faire site. He said sure, he didnrsquo;trsquo; have any weekend plans. Went back to Smegrsquo;s and grabbed my stuff, and grabbed Scotty and headed for home. Got home, loaded, packed and headed for site. By the time we got there and set up it was about 1130, so we decided to head to bed. We stayed awake talking till 3 or 4 am. So we passed and woke up around 130pm. We spend the day hanging out with Dane and doing misc stuff. No one else showed up at all. Around 930, Eckburg, one of our electrical type guys showed up and we chatted for while, and he said he was going off to go set up his camp. Around 1030, our friend LeeAnn showed up and similar and went off to her camp. Scott and I wandered down to there camp after Dane said he was going to bed. We said, ldquo;good night,rdquo; and headed off.

We found then around their fire, we chatted on how everyone was and just chatted about everything and anything till LeeAnn said she was going to go crash. Said Grsquo;nite to her. We talked a little longer till I was feeling sleepy; we bid Eckburg good nite and wandered back to the camper and our beds. I crawled in and passed out. Woke up and could hear Dane already up and about, kind of laid there and pondered who was going to show up, or was it going to be like yesterday. Finally got up and moving, it was 1030, I think, and opened the door and waved at Dane, he said coffee was ready. Told me people when I got over there that people probably wouldnrsquo;t be there till around 1.

~~ Going to cut short a lot of details, Irsquo;m tired and going to head to bed.~~

So people showed up, got stuff moved, There is still A LOT more that needs to be done, Temple Mikie and Jesse showed up too... Hugs around. Scott and I got to my home. We unpacked, had dinner, I had a long discussion with mom about many things that HAVE TO GET DONE and other stuff. Got Scotty home. Came home, asked mom if she had done the one simple thing I had asked her to do while I was gone. She said, No. Then I went to bed out in the camper because I was pissed. And that was where I spent all today, Monday. Except when I came in to grab lunch and when I came in for laundry and found Chas already was doing so. Then mom came and got me for a bite of dinner, and I hopped online. Here it is 230am, I was going to do laundry, but Chas has had the laundry room tied up since when I came in around 4 this afternoon. GRRRRRRRRSSSS

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